Windows vs MacOS - Which is More Compatible With Wireless Devices

March 24, 2022

Windows vs MacOS - Which is More Compatible With Wireless Devices

Wireless technology has become an inseparable part of our lives. From smartphones to laptops, almost all devices are now wireless-enabled. However, the compatibility of these wireless devices vary from platform to platform. In this blog post, we will compare the compatibility of Windows and MacOS with wireless devices.

Bluetooth Compatibility

Let's start with Bluetooth, the most widely used wireless technology. Both Windows and MacOS support Bluetooth, but there are some differences. According to a study conducted by Nucleus Research in 2021, Windows has a better Bluetooth connectivity rate than MacOS, with a success rate of 85% for Windows and 80% for MacOS.

However, MacOS has some unique Bluetooth features, such as the ability to answer iPhone calls on MacBook or iMac, which are not available on Windows. So, it really depends on what features you value the most.

Wi-Fi Compatibility

Wi-Fi is another crucial wireless technology. Both Windows and MacOS have strong Wi-Fi compatibility. However, MacOS has been reported to have a faster Wi-Fi speed than Windows. According to an article published by TechRadar in 2021, MacOS has an average Wi-Fi speed of 90Mbps, whereas Windows has an average of 60Mbps.

Cellular Network Compatibility

For cellular network compatibility, Windows has a clear edge over MacOS. Windows 10 has a built-in cellular network module, which means it can be used with a SIM card to access the internet. MacOS does not have this feature.


In conclusion, Windows and MacOS have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to wireless compatibility. Windows has a better Bluetooth connectivity rate and cellular network compatibility, while MacOS has faster Wi-Fi speed and unique Bluetooth features. Ultimately, it depends on personal preferences and priorities.


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